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If you have read my rules, companion profiles, ads, or, hell, even my Twitter profile, you will know that I require a deposit. Appointments aren’t finalized until a deposit is paid. Despite my constant mentions of requiring deposits, many timewasters contact me and whine about it when my assistant or I bring it up – all of this drama could have been avoided if they had actually read this website, or any of my profiles or ads…but this is a full-on rant you can read another time.

So how does my deposit structure work?

One-hour private dates require a deposit of $300; an overnight deposit is $2,000; a weekend’s is $4,000; a week’s is $8,000; a month’s is $30,000. For a social date, the deposit is $100.

I accept the following payment methods for deposits (or for the whole session): cryptocurrency, Cash App, Amazon giftcard, GiftRocket (if booked at least a week in advance), or through adult sites (like OnlyFans). I go more into my payment methods here.

Any deposit over $5,000 must be paid in cryptocurrency. (For example, for a deposit for a week’s worth of my time, you can pay $5,000 via Cash App, then $3,000 with cryptocurrency.)

At a later date, I will go more into why I require deposits, but in short, it comes down to this: in the past, many inquirers scheduled an appointment, but had no respect for my time, and flaked out on me. Oftentimes, it was even as ridiculous as them ghosting me right after they sent a text saying they were on their way to the appointment. Eventually, waiting on no-shows became so tiresome, that I implemented this deposit structure. I have found that, thankfully, the clients who have paid deposits, so far, are very respectful of me as a person and my time. If you want to see me, you have to play by my rules.

Deposits are nonrefundable. That’s the whole point of their existence – if you don’t bother to show up, I’m still compensated for my time. The only time I will refund a deposit is if I am the one who is canceling the appointment or if there is a verifiable greater circumstance affecting the area (like a hurricane). If you want to change the date or time of your appointment, I can’t guarantee that I can accommodate you.

Hopefully, breaking down my deposit structure has made my booking process clearer to you, as this is the rule I’ve had to be most strict about. If you agree to my rules and want to move on to the fun stuff, go ahead and book some time with me!


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